Forage Related Disorders
Forage-Related Disorders
Preventing Grass Tetany
As spring approaches and grass begins to grow, grazing livestock may experience a forage-related problem known as grass tetany, grass staggers, lactation tetany, or hypomagnesemia. Grass tetany is a metabolic disorder caused by reduced magnesium (Mg) levels in the animal’s blood.
Forage of the Month: Brassicas
Brassicas (including turnips, rape, kale, and swedes) are highly productive, digestible forbs that contain relatively high levels of crude protein. Animals will readily consume the tops and will also grub the root bulbs out of the ground. Dry matter yield depends upon soil type, fertility, time of seeding, and precipitation.
Freezing Effects on Forages
As temperatures continue to decrease, it is important to know and understand how various species of forages react to frosts and freezes in order to best utilize these forages and to avoid possible health problems. Freezing changes the metabolism and composition of plants.
Timely Tip: Grazing Alfalfa after a Freeze
A frost or freeze can greatly affect how one uses alfalfa later in the year. Although frost-damaged alfalfa is not toxic, one should be cautious when grazing alfalfa after a hard freeze (less than 25˚F) as the threat of bloat increases after the freeze. Once wilting starts, risk of bloat is reduced. Waiting a few days after a freeze is a good practice to decrease this risk when grazing alfalfa.
Timely Tip: Frost and Freezes Increase Cyanide Poisoning Risk
Cyanide poisoning, more commonly referred to as prussic acid poisoning, can have a very abrupt and deadly effect on ruminant livestock grazing forages and requires careful management as frosts and freezes begin in the area.
Possibility of Nitrate Toxicity in Corn
Nitrate toxicity may be a problem for farmers grazing corn or feeding green-chop this fall. There are many factors to consider when deciding if livestock are at risk of nitrate toxicity. Drought conditions and high levels of nitrogen in the soil can cause prime conditions for high nitrates in plants.
Prussic Acid Poisoning
Grazing forages during the summer months is a great way to reduce stored feed costs. However, there are some risks that come with grazing certain forages and weeds. It is important to be cautious this summer to reduce the risk for prussic acid poisoning, as prussic acid poisoning tends to be worse during times of drought.
Novel Endophyte Tall Fescue
The most predominant forage grass in the U.S., covering over 36 million acres, happens to be tall fescue, a cool-season perennial grass. It is extremely prevalent in areas of the southeastern United States because it possesses desirable characteristics that include tolerance to drought, flooding, heavy grazing pressure, and a long growing season.
Atypical Interstitial Pneumonia in Cattle Grazing Perilla Mint
In the Southeastern U.S., a severe type of pneumonia can result from ingestion of the leaves and seeds of perilla mint (Perilla frutescens). This common weed is also known as purple mint, wild coleus, mint weed, or beefsteak plant. Perilla mint thrives in late summer, when pastures are frequently dry and dormant.
Managing Legumes in Spring Pasture for Bloat
Pastures were slow to green-up with the cool weather this spring. However, the past few days of warm weather has really made the grass pop. I noticed today, April 18, that some of the timothy and bluegrass was beginning to flower. Now is a good time to be investigating pasture stands for legume content.